Sunday, February 5, 2012


Friday was an outstanding day.  Looking back on it, it is because I was with old friends and later my son's family.  I got over 2 dozen hugs that day and that made my day joyous.  Wish each day could be like that but if they were, they would not be as great because they would become common.  Great conversation, great food, loving friends at our book club made it a gorgeous day.

While visiting with friends at our book club, one of my friends granddaughter, who I had never met before walked up to me and gave me a spontaneous hug and later returned and gave me another one.  That was just icing on the cake for my great day.  Kids hugs seem to be more precious and when they are unexpected they become sweeter yet.  Later my 4 grandsons shared several with me.  What a great, great day.  Wish I could bottle it and share it with everyone.  On a scale of 1 to 10 it was definitely a 10.

Thank you God, friends and family for giving Friday.  Be happy and may God bless you and yours.

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