Saturday, October 5, 2013

Apple Chips

Rainy and a stay-in-kind-of-day so I'm thinking of drying some apples in the oven.  I don't have a dehydrater so just do it in the oven.

Lemon juice

Core your apple leaving the skin on.  Slice the pieces as thinly as possible.  I like to use a very small cookie cutter to cut out the cores and decorate them a bit.  Toss the slices  in a little lemon juice so they don't turn brown on you.  Put some sugar and cinnamon in a bowl and coat each slice on both sides well until they are completely covered with the mixture.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Put your apple slices on parchment paper. Do not let them touch.  Put them in the oven and turn the heat down to 150 or your lowest setting.  You may also use a dehydrator if you have one.  Just follow it’s directions. 

After 3 hours turn them over.  Keep them in the oven at least 6 hours or until they are completely dried.  It will depend on how think you sliced them.  You can store them in canning jars.  They make a great snack and also go great with that pumpkin dip from yesterday.

Have a great Saturday, be happy and may God bless you and yours.  

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