Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My Maid Rite Copy Cat Recipe

Do you love Maid Rites?  I sure do.  If I’m in a town where there is a Maid Rite (we lost ours years ago), I’ll often go there for lunch to have them.  The original Maid Rite in Marshall Town, Iowa was served on a warm bun and topped with mustard, onion and dill pickle.  I like mustard, ketchup, and pickle. 

I worked at Hayes Maid Rite back in the 60’s and fell in love with them then.  I got free meals as a benefit and I usually got a Maid Rite.  Duane would make up the Maid Rite meat fresh each day and did not share his recipe.  I just observed and he’d teased me showing me a bottle of what he called his secret ingredient.  No label was on the big bottle.  He did nothing more than add water to what looked like hamburger and let it cook down until all the moisture was out of the beef.  He then add his “secret ingredient” by shaking a little of it over the meat and stirring.

Some years ago, I saw a TV show on the Food Channel where they visited the original Maid Rite in Marshall Town.  They gave a bit of the secret away then saying that they ground up an entire beef getting the benefit of the best cuts.  They also said that they used only one other ingredient, that being Worcestershire sauce. 

You are going to have to trust my memory and me remembering back many years ago.  No promises on being 100% correct but try it and see if it is not close to what you think it should taste like. 

The secret is whole beef or really good beef and no seasoning other than Worcestershire sauce.  That must have been Duane’s secret ingredient in the bottle.

 So today I am cooking up 2 lbs. of 90% lean hamburger.  I add about 1 ½ cups of water to it and let it cook and simmer until all the liquid is gone and all of the beef is broken up.  I add about a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and put it on a warm grilled bun.  Put on the toppings you like or make it a Cheese Rite with a slice of cheese.  As a waitress at Hayes, I was responsible for making up the Maid Rites as they were ordered and wrapping them in one piece of paper.  I have wonderful memories of working there.

I’ll use the left over meat for Tacos by adding onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, and chili powder.  You can also turn it into a Sloppy Jo if you like for another sandwich.  Add ketchup, onion powder, a little brown sugar, and a tsp. of vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste. I don't really use a recipe making these.  Depending on the amount of beef I cook up, I just toss and taste.  This is a great dish to be made in the crock pot.  It will stay warm and people can make their own when they wish. 

Either sandwich would be great for sandwiches or sliders for the Super Bowl this week end. Don't forget to serve it with a spoon.

Be happy and may God bless you and yours.  

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